Sunday, October 12, 2014

how to fit in at lone peak

  • be a mormon. no other religion will ever be as important or significant. the school is run by mormons and the majority of kids that attend lone peak are mormon. even some of the mormon standards are forced upon the entire school. so god forbid you aren't mormon. because when the other kids find out you aren't you will never be looked at the same again. 

  • you better have money. and lots of it. lone peak is known for being a "snotty rich kid school" so if you aren't pulling out of your five car garage in the morning in your new beamer, consider yourself different.

  • dress conservatively. anything that is considered "creative" will be deemed as different. and even at times will be seen as slutty. i've looked into the eyes of too many hateful glares to know that is the truth. 

  • if you are good at anything other than sports, it isn't relevant.

so tell me,
is fitting in worth it?


  1. HAHAHAHAHA..,. I love it. Thank you, for saying what I was thinking.

  2. And turn off your dang comment verification.

  3. It's not worth throwing away who you are to fit in.

  4. Or just pretend that you have money!

  5. #stereotypes But some of this is so very true.

  6. The looks received from leaving the church are hard. But being yourself is definitely worth it, because all these kids who fit in are L I A R S (myself included)

  7. snapping for this post.
    Every last word was true.
    Lone peak is a bitter place to be.

  8. And the sports thing dammit. I'm sorry for not wanting to pelt my peers with objects?! #Let'sBeReal

  9. "so god forbid you aren't mormon." I know. I just love this line because it hits hard. woah...

    for reals though.
